Friday, January 1, 2010
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last day of 2009
I will be closing you. since this has not be working for me.
I do not like New Year Resolutions but I'm making one this year.
I will be consistently blogging on 2010, in order to do so I will start fresh.
I will be setting up a new blog and when this is ready I will put the new address here.
Happy New Year!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Coming back - I hope
I really do not have too much time for you, so I keep neglecting you. Anyway, I want to let you know that you can find me at the Urban Street Bazaar. I will be sharing the booth with Mandi from Mandibeads
Here is the flyer!

I hope to see you there.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Etsy Shop - Managing your time 101 - Part One

Are you struggling to find time to do everything?
Do you feel overwhelmed by it?
Do you think the day does not have enough hours?
Well, you will be surprised how a little organization will take you a long way. Actually, managing your time is not rocket science, it is simple if you have a process. So let's get started:
The first thing to do is be realistic with your time, sit down and write down the hours that you will be dedicating to your shop. Do not cheat, be absolutely honest with yourself. After you are done with this step, you should have a list like this:
Monday - 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Tuesday - 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Wednesday - 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Thursday - 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Friday - 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Saturday - FREE
Sunday - 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM - 5 hours
Total hours: 30 hours
So far so good. Now think again, are you willing to commit to those hours? If not, adjust it until you have something reasonable.
When you are done, do a happy dance! First step is completed.
Tomorrow, I will be posting Step Two.
Stay tune!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Melba is in a better place
Dear Blog,
I had been mute for a few days because Melba got very sick and over the weekend I had to make the decision that you do not want to make. Melba went very peacefully on 03/15/2009.
I miss her very much so my other 2 cats, Sam and Jessie. She was a very sweet kitty that adopted me 7 years ago. I will always remember her.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
CPSIA - Answer from TX Senator
You may remember that I contacted our Texas senator... well this is the answer I got:
Dear Ms. Ivanisevic:
Thank you for contacting me about consumer safety. I share your concerns regarding the safety of consumer goods, and I appreciate having the benefit of your comments on this important matter.
Recent revelations of tainted imports and other consumer goods are troubling to all Americans. To address this critical issue, then-President George W. Bush established the Interagency Working Group on Import Safety by Executive Order on July 18, 2007. Led by the President’s cabinet secretaries, this working group thoroughly reviewed our nation's supply chain to identify risks and make recommendations on how best to improve product safety in the marketplace. The working group concluded that no single stage in the supply chain—from foreign manufacturers and exporters to domestic importers and retailers—bears full responsibility for recent product recalls. Therefore, it is important to detect vulnerability in each stage of the supply chain and respond with a comprehensive policy that ensures public safety.
An important step towards increased consumer safety came on July 31, 2008, when the Senate approved the Consumer Product Safety Modernization Act (P.L. 110–314). This legislation bolsters the Consumer Product Safety Commission, the federal agency that inspects consumer products and enforces compliance. Additionally, P.L. 110–314 updates product safety standards beginning with toys and other children’s products by banning six categories of phthalate chemicals and all measurable traces of lead from toys. P.L. 110–314 will modernize product labels to make it easier for parents and consumers to determine if a product they have purchased has been recalled, and for the first time retailers will be prohibited from selling items that are subject to a recall.
Because the volume of children’s products required to meet new safety standards is large, P.L. 110–314 allows the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) to designate accredited third-party laboratories to inspect and approve products designed or intended primarily for children age 12 and younger. The CPSC is required to issue accreditation requirements for such laboratories and maintain a list of the accredited laboratories; deadlines for the publication of such requirements differ according to the type of product being tested by the laboratory.
Furthermore, many manufacturers of children's products are concerned with how the CPSC will implement these testing requirements—chiefly with the costs associated with third-party testing. As a result, the CPSC is currently soliciting comments from manufacturers and the public as regulations pertaining to this section of the law are written. It is your right as a citizen to participate in the regulatory process. The CPSC has established the following website where individuals may find more information regarding local meetings, how to submit comments and recommendations, and how to join a mailing list for updates on CPSC developments:
I am encouraged by your willingness to participate in the regulatory process, and you may be certain that I will keep your concerns in mind should relevant legislation be considered by the Senate. Thank you for taking the time to contact me.
United States Senator
At least somebody answered but but.....
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Thursday! Stand Still Day
Well, today is Thursday and tomorrow is my favorite day of the week, so I should start planning for the weekend. This week I had been very busy at work but those are not news. For the time being I'm trying to figure out what products I will have for the summer and how to promote my Etsy store. I'm not getting very far but I will keep trying.
In addition, I cannot decide what the blog should be about since I'm not in top of it as much as I would like to be.
What would you like to read about? Give me a hint.
Let me know,