Friday, February 27, 2009

Social Networking - Too many choices

Dear Blog,

Happy Friday to everybody!

Well, now i'm getting on the roll of all these social networking sites, and if you have not noticed , they are bunches of them so it seems that is not enough time to keep them updated.

Yesterday, I started to talk about Twitter as one of the popular sites, as you probably know Facebook and Myspace are very popular too. So the question remains, how do I keep up with all these stuff?

The answer is fairly simple, Facebook and MySpace have what they call applications, so you can add Twitter as I did and then everytime you post something on Twitter will get broadcasted to Facebook and Myspace. That's neat!

I actually discovered this by mistake but that is a different story!

See you soon,


1 comment:

AnniKae said...

I feel the same way...I'm not sure how to Twitter, but I hear it's the latest & Greatest.
Love your neckwarmers that you have in your etsy shop.
Happy Day!
Anni Kae

p.s. I'm doing a giveaway on my blog. If you get a minute, you should come sign up. Anyone is welcome...